Having trouble placing an order?

Below are the most common questions and issues that our customers have.

STEP 1) Add the products you want to the cart.
STEP 2) Confirm order and enter contact and delivery or pickup options.
STEP 3) Enter Payment information and submit order.
STEP 4) You will receive an order confirmation.

Boudreau Meat will prepare the order

STEP 5) Final email will be send with the exact amount of the order, and final receipt.
STEP 6) Your order will be delivered or ready for pick-up.

Our delivery is based in your Postal Code, We deliver to Dieppe, Moncton, Riverview and Memramcook. so there’s a chance that you live outside of our delivery area, which is why it won’t allow you to select a shipping option. You can still select local pick-up.

If you think this is an error and you are within our delivery area (click here to see a map of where we deliver) you can set  E1E 1E1 as the postal code and it will complete the order, but we only ask that you do this if you are certain you live within out delivery area. As we know there are many new developments and subdivisions being built in Greater Moncton

Orders that have been paid can’t be edited, however, you can place another order and if the address and pickup or deliver of both order is the same we will merge them into a single order and refund any additional delivery fees that it may have cost.


Here are the common reasons why:

  1. Not enough funds on card
  2. Card holders name mismatch.
  3. Error with the expiry or CVV
  4. Billing address doesn’t match the cardholder address
  5. Credit card is not Visa or MasterCard.

If you don’t receive your order confirmation email please check your spam (it should be sent from [email protected]). You can also contact us using the form below and we will track down your order for you.

Can’t find the answer?

The team at our shop is great but don’t ask them program your VCR (Do those even exist), they will do their best but recommend completing our support request form which emails our website development and support team directly.

Support Form